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Get our Online Interactive Learning
for Kindergarten
Our learning platform consist more than 3000 activities for children aged 3 to 12 years old.
Our solution is the best 360º adaptive learning platform, internationally awarded by the European Union, BETT and the MIT, and used by more than 1 million kids worldwide! Specialized in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), the platform reinforces curriculum subjects, such as Maths, Literacy, Science and etc.

4 reasons why you should download Smile and Learn

more than
5000 activities for
kids and educational stories

Pedagogical method
tested in about
3000 schools

Personalized educational

Safe environment for kids
Ideal for schools

Personalization and
group management

Multi Device-friendly
and multiplatform

Evaluation of the use
and progress of the student

Assessments and access
for teachers

Smile and Learn includes a learning monitoring feature, allowing teachers to follow the evolution of their students. The platform collects data on the time spent by kids on each game, story and their progress for each multiple intelligence. This feature identifies which area(s) the student needs to focus on. Based on this analysis, a specific set of content will be recommended to keep on boosting the learning experience.
The app allows you to personalize student profiles in all the games and stories. The educator can choose between several game modes, reading modes and types of font, including pictograms. Additionally, our whole collection is adapted for children with special learning needs. This way, Smile and Learn allows you to adapt the learning process to the pace of each kid.

Recommendations to strengthen the learning process.
Smile and Learn offer teachers a platform allowing them to monitor the progress of their students.
This educational digital tool also features pedagogical recommendations to the educator based on an analysis of the activity data of the students on the app.
Teachers receive monthly emails with data from the app on their students’ activity and results. This way they can make the most of their learning process.
Please fill up the forms if you wish to purchase the school License.
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Pls do fill up your Name; Hp no and address.
For further queries, do call us at 6566 9969.
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